July 13 – Come Ye Sons of Art
The College’s own Larry Vote will be guest conductor and Jeffrey Silverschlag will play trumpet in the night’s salute to Handel. The River Concert Series Festival Choir, made up of talented area high school students and members of St. Mary’s College’s Choir, Chamber Singers, and St. Marie’s Musica will be featured in many pieces.
July 20 – A Wagnerian Finale for 2012 (in case the Mayans are right)
At least the world will go out with a bang – this performance features the compositions of Wagner and Debussy, the latter of which will be accompanied by a sixteen-woman chorus and electronics. Piano soloist Brian Ganz will perform Grieg’s energetic Concerto for Piano.
July 27 – Firebird, “Bird” and the Stars in our Constellation
The Grand Finale will feature a profusion of regional jazz, blues and folk artists, including Don Stapleson, Rick Humphries and others. Charlie Parker’s “Super Sax” jazz piece and Stravinsky’s ballet hit, Firebird Suite 1919, will end the River Concert Series with a flourish.
Find more great events happening in St. Mary's at http://www.visitstmarysmd.com/events-entertainment/
For more information on the River Concert Series, visit http://www.smcm.edu/riverconcert/